You are probably wondering what this picture above is? Well, to tell you the truth this is Denver International Airport about two months ago when they had that blizzard. I put this as reminder that it is still winter and yet for some reason today I saw someone walking in shorts??? I know I'm guilty of it too, but at least at certain point I do put jeans on.Today was one of those days I was listening to the radio when I heard this scientist wacko talking about global warming and how the ice caps in the North Pole are melting. He was also saying that the San Fransico airport will be flooded by 2035 or 2040.....I don't remember which year cause I nearly choked on a turkey sandwich. Look, I know we all have our opinions on this issue and before you think I'm anti-environment I'm not. Sure, I would like to use alternative fuels to save earth as well as my pocketbook. I recycle newspapers and aluminum cans. I think people do pitch's just that when these scientists go off the extreme end that's when I think these people need to get challenged.
If I learned anything in science while I was in grade school is that there is a scientific method. The steps are as followed Observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, and results. Somewhere down the line these environmental pukes didn't do enough experimenting. They probably did some small experimenting procedures in the North Pole and said it's all due Global Warming. Well, how do we know that...should we just trust you at face value? I'll admit I don't know if there is a global warming problem, but I do know that the San Fransico airport is not going to flood, we have record cold temparutures in the country, we have snow that is over eight feet in upstate New York. Then if anything could be funnier is that a few months back former vice president Al Gore goes on the Oprah Show (I don't watch Oprah I just heard a radio clip) and explains what will happen if we keep this up. Then at the end of the show Oprah tells Al Gore, "thank you Al for being our Noah." Thank you for being our Noah? I know Noah was warning people about a flood, but didn't God tell Noah first. My point is simple we just need to enjoy what God has created for us and not go into a panic mode that earth is going to hell and handbasket.
Tim " I'm still upset about the Bears losing" Crippen