Dear God
Thank you for being there in times of need
For allowing us to have as Americans to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
For helping me get back home in one piece when my front end brakes were not working.
For giving me the knowledge to know how to fix these things,
for being my comforter when times were lonely.
Thankful for our troops who our fighting in Iraq in Afghanistan to allow us the freedom to pray and worship in our churches.
Thank you for giving us a sense a humor even if at times we don't want to laugh.
Thank you for showing patience even if as human beings we have hard time showing it.
For giving us joy, peace and kindness in an uncruel world
For your disciples who spread the good news around the world and that it continues to spread through pastors, volunteers and missionaries.
For free will
But most importantly thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for all our sins.
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