Monday, March 17, 2008

March Maddness II

I've already done March madness one...if you don't know look on March 2007 and it should be there. Picking these games is like trying to pick stocks on the NYSE. You look for winners but most of the time my brackets go usually bust. So, this year I promise myself I'm not going to put KU in the Final four this year. I've been burned by this team in the past and they never seemed to deliver. Chances are that if I don't pick them they'll probably go to the Final Four. Anyway, after studying my brackets along with drinking irish coffee and eating some green cookies, cupcakes and almost anything else that looked green at work. It's time make my annual picks. My Final Four this year is UCLA, Tennessee, Memphis, and Georgetown. Sorry KU fans but I can't go with you two years in row. If they do get to the Final four ....I will greatly apologize on this blog. I do have dark horse for the tournament look out for Michigan St. in the tournament. Oh, could somebody explain to me also why they call it March Maddness. I mean this term could refer to severe weather or people's rage on the road. I also wonder why does it have to be march. Let's have August Maddness....this term would refer to people who are sick of the extreme warm temperatures or the crazyness of parents trying to get their kids enrolled in school. Just a thought.

Tim "Happy St. Pat's Day" Crippen

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