Sunday, May 04, 2008

WTF file

Okay, for those who know me pretty well......I tend to get a bit cynical maybe angry when it comes to two things. When environmentalists claim that there is global warming and the other is when people want to go outside the scriptures to find falsehood in the life and times of Jesus Christ.
This post happens to be in the latter category. The latest of films is a documentary by Bruce Burgess entitled "Bloodline". In this film Bruce explores the possibility of Mary Magdalene and possibility of Jesus went to southern france after the crucifixion and that they may have had kids and blah, blah, blah. Too many if's in this movie if you ask me. The last portion of this film shows one of Burgess friend that goes to the tomb of the women in a shroud. Then collects a hair sample and the only thing they know is that the woman is Middle eastern decent. Thinking that this might be Mary Magdalene.
The filmaker himself doesn't trust the people who are leading this treasure hunt. I on the other hand don't trust the filmaker because this is the same guy who did films on The Bermuda Triangle, Area 51 and that Bigfoot lives in Oklahoma. Give me a break.
Filmakers know where the truth is located at it's in the Bible, but I think some people just want to tend to ignore it. Look, if you really want to watch a film where science and religion collide and that is eye opening. Go see the movie "Expelled: No intelligent design allowed. I would rather pay my money for something more truthful than something they can't even prove.

Tim " what is this world coming too" Crippen

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