Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What has happen to freedom of speech

I have come to a conclusion that we in this country are way to super sensitive when it comes to racial issues, slang terms and stereotypes. I will give you some examples.
Earlier this week, Larry Johnson of the K.C. chiefs use the word faggot on his twitter account and to reporters in the locker room. Now, I'm not defending L.J. because he use the word as slang term for a male homosexual. But, let's look back two years ago when former college basketball analyst Billy Packer in a interview with Charlie Rose told charlie that he was faggoting out. Now, packer when he use the term he was referring to the definition as being tired out. So, what's the difference the way it was used? Different generations? Or, it is the climate that we live in.

Another example is Bob Griese ESPN analyst was suspended this week for his comments he made about Juan Pablo Montoyo. They were looking at the Nascar leaders in the race for the chase and his partner was asking "Where's Juan Pablo Montoyo?" Well, Bob Griese said "maybe he went to get a taco." As a joke I thought it was funny ,but the higher ranks of ESPN didn't think so.

Folks, we need to get a hold of ourselves and not take life so serious. In this country we either need to restrict our freedom of speech so that everybody is protected or keep unlimited freedom of speech where everyone can say what they want to say and not get hurt.

Tim "proud of the first amendment" Crippen

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