Monday, February 08, 2010

Stop Clowning around

Lately Pastor Dave has been coming up with some great sermon series as well as titles. However, last week's title of "Stop clowning around" really kind of hit home with me. He talked about how we should be able to enjoy to life and laugh at things. Instead of being chained up.....and some of us put those chains on ourselves. We need to to take our next steps to get closer to God and stop clowning around.
It seems like my life has kind of been that way and only lately have I been trying to take those steps because of a certain family situation. Why does it seem like God takes a near tragedy in their family to wake up your life? I mean there are so many things in my life that I would like to do that for some reason or another is not happening. I mean I would like to work in the sports industry, I would like to get marry, I would like to have kids........there are so many goals that it would take a little awhile.
I tend to put some of those chains on myself, but I also know that I need to search God's will in my life that I think there are some things even in my own heart that it still needs cleaning up. I'm really trying to stop clowning around and become the man that God really wants me to be .

Tim 'trying to open my heart" Crippen

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