Monday, August 04, 2014

Jose Canseco and my 20th high school reunion

So, a former MLB player comes to an independent league game for charity.  Harvesters is local food bank for the Kansas City area.  The ballplayer who came Jose Canseco.

As a teenager I use to think this guy was a Greek god.   Could hit homeruns in the upper deck that looked like moonshots. Won rookie of the year in 1986, was the first man to go 40/40 (forty homeruns & stolen bases in one season).  Won a championship with Oakland and was one of the bash brothers. 

Then all of sudden the steroid era came and I finally wised up.  Some of the best players who played the game were either tested positive or are under suspicion of cheating by using PED's. That's why people like Jose Canseco and others will never get into the Hall of Fame. However, I will give Jose some credit.  If he had not wrote the book "juiced", who knows if baseball would have cleaned up the act.  I originally thought he wrote the book just to make money, but now it turns out he was really telling the truth.  Even at age 50, the dude still looks like freak.

Now, just about two weeks ago, I decided to go my 20th high school reunion and I will tell you it was a blast.  Big thanks to the ladies who put this together.  Met some classmates I haven't seen since high school.  It really is true that as time goes by people really do mature.  I will show you a chart and you can decide for your self.

The 5 year reunion: you just finished up college or you have been in the workforce for few years.
The 10 year reunion:  Some people are establishing themselves and are married and have kids
The 20 year reunion: Wow your kids are almost graduating from high school and they can see the light at end of tunnel. They realize it's not about them anymore.

We all share some memories amongst each other.  Some are memorable, embarrassing and some you would like to forget.  Overall, it didn't feel like a judgmental crowd.  It felt more like a party and everyone was invited.

Tim "had a great time" Crippen

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