Thursday, June 26, 2008

I just had to get this off my chest.

I need to stop watching the liberal news .......otherwise I'm going to just explode. Just the other day I was watching the news and they had a story about how the environment is so bad bacause of global warming that it is now part of national security as matter of govermental concern. What? National Security? Global Warming a threat? Yeah, and the world is going to end in 2012....yada yada....I've heard it all before. These envrinoment geeks need to get a @#$%ing's people like this that have made gas prices as high as they are. Then if that story wasn't enough......I saw story how a muslim was imprison because he was consipiring to kill American troops in Afghanistan. Him and his partner were planning to kill them after an American sniper shot holes in The Koran. What got me mad was this partner of his wants to be release because his parents are old and that he needs to take care of them. That may be true, but I guarntee you by the time he gets out he'll still hate America and he'll still want to be a part of a suicide bombing. Then he sheds a tear for the reporter of how he was such a bad person.....Give me a break.....I thought I was watching an Oprah Winfrey moment and all of us were just saying can't we just get along. After seeing that story......I decided to take a walk and I felt better about myself.

Tim "enjoying the freedom's that make America great" Crippen

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