Monday, July 07, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

Well once again we celebrate America's birthday as it turns 232 years old. I get together to see relatives of people I haven't seen since last year or in some cases many years. It was fun stuffing ourselves with good food and seeing the fireworks from us as well as our neighbors just shooting them off. This year's fourth was nice in a sense of how great the weather could have been. No rain, no humidity and very little wind. Wow, I can't remember the last time this holiday was like this, but hey I'll take anything I can get. I still have been enjoying the car since I got it, but I have to vent even more when I read an article this evening. As you know my car is a gas saver however it might get a sticker if I were living in California. There is bill in the California legislature where if it passes....your vehicle will have a sticker of whether it's a pollutant or not. I am not kidding for my elantra it would be environmentally friendly. However, an SUV or a truck would get one of those bad stickers. What are we back in first grade? Hey, here's an idea let's put stickers on politicians who write these laws as if were giving them labels....Here's an example I'm a politician who raises taxes, or I'm liar, I'm a cheat or my personal favorite I will do anything just to get elected.

Tim " I can't even enjoy the holiday" Crippen

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