Sunday, November 30, 2008

Somebody dropped the ball

If you were like me this past friday you probably shopping just like millions of other Americans on a day we like to call Black Friday. As morning approach, I headed to Best Buy to be looking for a new tv. I didn't wait too long in line no more than five minutes. I looked at the Dynex 19' as well as the Sharp 22' TV/DVD combo. Both were great, but I decided to get the Sharp 22. I wait in line for about five minutes....they had everybody working the cash register. As, I'm writing my check a portion of my check gets ripped. They put it in the cash register....they said it was declined. I write a second check thinking since the number were portionally ripped off that the computer didn't read the first check. Declined again. Now, I'm getting mad they ask me if I wanted to use my credit card.....I was hesitant at first but decided to go with it. After making my purchase, I went to a local ATM machine just to see what I had in my account and it was more than enough to cover the TV. So, what have learn boys and girls. Well, for one thing somebody dropped the ball on this situation. Either it was my bank or it was something wrong with Best Buy's computer system.

Tim "AAAArrgh" Crippen

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Single guy's guide to surviving thanksgiving

Okay for the first time ever in my life.......i spent thanksgiving alone. Yes, you heard right alone. No friends, family was in ark city, Kansas but I couldn't make since I have to work just felt weird. Too start we have to start from yesterday at work.......when I stopped at Topy's popcorn for a bucket of carmel. cinnamon and butter to snack on for the holidays. As I was driving by listening to some classic Bon Jovi, I see there was dude at the Little Ceasar's on shawnee parkway and quivira jammin to a fake cardboard cutout of a guitar advertisement for $5 pizza. I saw this rolled down my window....he heard the Bon Jovi music and he was really started to jam.....That may me laugh all the way to the grocery store. Then I stopped at the price chopper to get a substitute thanksgiving dinner. Hey, if you can make for grandmother's dinner or your parent's house.....I would suggest buying one of those Hungry Man XXL turkey's not quite the same but it does the trick. I stayed up late watching movies and you can't go wrong with a holiday classic like "planes, trains, and automobiles." This morning got up watched annual balloon mishaps, but if you search the internet on the 1957 parade what happen with the popeye balloon you'll probably chuckle at it.

Catch some football as well as watching the plaza lights get turned on. My old roomate text me from California and is now in food coma. Not really, but you know what I mean. Did I survive thanksgiving? Yeah, I did but it really wasn't great as great as I thought it would be when your all alone.

Tim "I'm thankful for a lot of things" Crippen

Monday, November 24, 2008

Who says you can't get a free lunch

In recent months there sure have been a lot of promotions for a lot free stuff.......first back in October if somebody stole a base during the World Series you can win a free taco......I took advantage of this by hitting to three taco bell stores. Hey, I got free meal out of this. Then on election day Starbuck s coffee gave you free cup of coffee if you show your "I voted" sticker the same went for Chick-fil-A as they would give you their original chicken sandwich. Now, the lastest promotion is from Dr. Pepper. Back in March the bottling company made a statement that if the new Gun's N' Roses album "Chinese Democracy" would dopped by 2008 that everyone can get a free coupon for a 20 oz. Dr. Pepper on their website. Well, yesterday the album went on sell......and as Dr. Pepper president says "the drinks are on us".

Tim "have a happy thanksgiving" Crippen

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Now what

So, the election has come and gone and we've elected a new president Barack Obama. I thought when I came to work that Wednesday morning that I would hear hooping and hollering of joyous celebration. Instead, I got more of the silent and empathy treatment at work. Maybe people were just tired of the election, maybe they were upset that their guy loss or maybe they were happy that their guy had won but was too tired that morning to show enthusiam. Eithier way I say to the new president congratulations "you've got a big job ahead and it's not going to be easy." I didn't vote for Obama or McCain in this election.....I voted for Ron Paul. Now, some people would say you just wasted your vote that which I say No, I didn't because what I'm telling to both of the parties is that neithier one of you giving any real good solutions to fixing the mess....and it's more than just the economy. There is too many unknowns of what is going to be happening in the next few years.......Am I going to have a job? Is my 401K plan going to be a 201K? Is health Insurance still going to be with my employer? Are we going to see a switch in the Supreme Court in idealogy? Are we going to end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan a lot sooner before the job is finished? Just some of the questions that a lot of people are really asking about the new president.

I think with all the problems that we have in this country there is not a problem in this world that God can't solve if we turn our hearts toward him and reject our sinful ways as a country. Now, that may sound simple but at least it is honest.

Tim "glad the election is over with" Crippen