Sunday, April 28, 2013


Coming back from Florida I was not a happy camper.  I was hoping by this time, I would be back at work in florida.  No, instead I'm back in kansas still looking for work.   I know people might wonder what happen in florida...right now I really don't want to divulge to much information at this time. I know lately I have completely shut off my friends or I am pretending to be happy.  Some people didn't even know that I had even left kansas. Is this childish?  You make your own judgements.  I know that one particular friend has now kind of disown me.  He has unfriend me on facebook, then after he unfriends me he sends me nasty message with some choice words.   I know, I know I probably deserve it, but if he thinks I am singling him out he is totally wrong.  Just because I make a post or maybe respond to another person's post doesn't mean I am singling them out.   There have been other friends who have sent me messages and I haven't responded to them either......He has even called and text me on my cell phone wondering what I am doing florida????   WTF do you think I am doing in Florida I am trying to find work that is challenging me and hopefully can pay me decent wage that I can live on.   You don't need to call me up every week....If something new comes up I'll say it.   It's nothing personal against my friend just right now I really want to be left alone.   When I feel like I want to talk I will talk......right now the focus should be getting back to work.  Sorry, if this sounds like I am on my soapbox, but I am just not happy right now.   I know this phase in my life will eventually pass, but it seems to be taking longer than normal.....after all I have failed.