Sunday, September 30, 2007

Birthday Weekend

Well, today is my birhtday and if you want to know how old I am just take Brian Urlacher's number divide it by 2 and then add 5 and you'll get my age. Speaking of the Bears they dis appointed me again, but at least some good news at least they bench grossman. This weekend has been kind of a mixed emotional weekend. I went to two funeral services one of which was of our former landlord who died of brain cancer. The other a friend of my parents of the leavenworth church of nazarene. I won't say to much about the funeral services other than the fact they were both unique their own special way. I went to Mimi's Cafe for my birthday it was unique in the since that not only was it my birthday but it was the same weekend my dad retire from the Veteran's Administration as a field examiner. We had very good dinner I order the chicken enchiladas with the honey lime sauce which is really good. Then afterwards I had enough in my spare tire stomach to order dessert and I order the bannana foster mud pie which was huge. Our waitress even put a candle on it and everybody sang Happy Birthday to me which was pretty cool. I will admit that the dessert was good, but it wasn't worth five dollars. Then if I thought as if the day couldn't have been topped off. The lady manager over there gave Ron & Joan Teeters as well as my mom and Dad a free 4-pack of Mimi's Cafe famous muffins. Wow, good food, five of the top ten college football teams got upset and I had a pretty good week at work. This weekend was extremely great.

I'll admit that getting older hasn't change me to much other than I just add another candle to the cake and that I'm seeing some grey hairs in me. I have to tell you a story at the resteraunt. Sitting at the south table from us, I see this young family with two kids probably ages 7 and 4. Anyway, they were having a good time drawing in their coloring books, laughing and talking to one another as a family. As I saw this I was thinking about some of the good times my brother and I went to family resteraunts going as a family. How we use to play with our coloring books and bring our stuff animals to the table. I was also thinking why I haven't found that certain someone in my life where I can talk to my own kids and ask them what is going on with their lives and just to learn to laugh at life. Perhaps, I've revealed too much but I felt like I need to tell how I feel. Anyway, I hope everbody is having a good week.

Tim "Birthday man" Crippen

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wow what a weekend

This past weekend I don't know where to begin.....I had my best week at work making my quota every single day this week. Thanks to a great team and for God for helping me along with this process. My Bears like I said would beat the chiefs and they did 20-10. This past weekend I went to the Kansas State Fair for first time in nearly three years.
Is it just me or does is it seem like the crowds get bigger and bigger every year to this thing. I met up with some old co workers of mine from channel 12. I have found out who is gone and who is still left at the old station. Kim Setty greeted me with open arms and it was nice to talk to her since I worked along with her so much for the noon newscast for three and half years. I didn't get to make it to my favorite resteraunt in town which is Roy's BBQ but I did go to my favorite place for ice cream which is
Bogey's. Set in a 1930's style type of resteraunt Bogey's would be a the ultimate place for ice cream lovers galore.....and yes John Lovitt I'm talking to you. Over 101 different flavors of shakes and malts that it would take you nearly four months to have every flavor on the board. I saw the usual things there like the sand sculpture and of course
the infamous butter sculpture
Sure there were some new things out there like seeing some adopted dogs doing some cool new tricks and guy cutting up wood sculpture with a chainsaw, but the highlight of the whole weekend and part of the reason why I went to Hutchinson, KS was to see
Josh Turner
It was a great concert and yeah Sara Evans was there too, but I thought Josh being the opening act was much better than her but then again that my personal opinion and this is my blog. Well, I hope you all had great weekend and I'll talk to you later.
Tim "backwoods boy" Crippen

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The 50 worst cars of all time and the Bears lose their first game

Okay, so the Bears lost to the Chargers 14-3. At least they lost to a good team and will certainly bounce back from this loss and will destroy the chiefs next week in Chicago. As I was getting up this morning I was reading the internet news when I came across an article of the 50 worst cars of all time. Some I was not too surprise like the Ford Pinto or the Amc Gremelin. Others I have never heard of and one particular car the 1966 Peel Trident looks like it was driven by Steve Urkel or was one of those futuristic cars like if you were watching the Jetsons. The complete list is located at http//,,1658545,00.html I will admit that there should have been one more car on the list. That car should be my late 80's blue dodge lancer which had a cracked cylinder and only lasted me a month.
I will never buy another piece of junk car like that ever again.

Signed Tim "I drive a Dodge Ram 1500 Truck" Crippen