Sunday, September 24, 2006

Angel food Ministries

Yesterday, I volunteer to help out in Angel Food ministries at our church. It was the first time our church had done this ministry and I was really surprised on just how coordinated and how many people volunteered to help out. I helped carried out the groceries to peoples' cars and the response from people who don't even attend our church who said thank you for helping carrying the food and thank you for this church for this ministry. Talking with them it seemed that they really appreciate this. I was really glad that I helped and enjoy my time out there.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My mastercard moment

New Radiator to replace the old one ... $285
New rear brakes, cylinder drums, brake fluid line and labor ....$345
Sports Illustrated magazine to read while waiting in the shop ....$3.99
Knowing that God is in charge of your finances ......priceless
There are some things money can buy for everything else there's Jesus

Sunday, September 10, 2006

9/11.. .... A time to reflect and move forward

On September 11, 2001 ......I remember working in Wichta, Kansas and talking with my news co-workers on how I was looking forward to vacation time in NYC in just four days. That morning; however, changed not only my vacation plans, but also it made me think of why would anybody want to do this to our country. In every generation there is an event that people don't forget on where they were, what time and what they were doing that day. For my grandparents it was Pearl Harbor, my parents it was the shooting of a president and for me it's 9/11. At the time, I was going through so many emotions I didn't know what to feel. A year later, I did take that NYC trip and when I visited ground zero, I remember in the center or near the center there was two steel beams that formed in the shape of a cross that was still standing. I took a photo of that cross and I turned to my roomate and said "Do you think that is a sign that God was watching over those people?" He turned to me and smiled, "Oh yeah he was definately watching over his people." I'm not really good with words on how to move forward, but I think Billy Graham might be able to help. Here is a portion of his sermon that he gave at the National Cathedral days after the attack. "Yes, our nation has been attacked. Buildings destroyed lives lost. But now we have a choice whether to implode and disintigrate emotionally spiritually as a people, and a nation, or whether we choose to become stronger through all of the struggle to rebuild on a solid foundation. And I believe that were in the process of starting to rebuild on that foundation. That foundation is our trust in God. That's what service is all about. And in that faith we have the strength to endure something as difficult and horrendous as what we've experienced this week.
--Billy Graham Sept. 14, 2001

Monday, September 04, 2006

Goodbye summer, Hello Fall

Labor Day Weekend to some people is consider the end of summer. Although, it officially doesn't end until Sept. 23rd. This past weekend, I went down to my alma mater in Pittsburg, Kansas to see my friend Dan. We didn't do any fishing, but we did do some clay shooting which I haven't done in over ten years. I talked mostly politics with him being that he is a candidate for state representative, but he realizes he has tough road ahead of him and he truly believes that he can win the seat. He talked with me about my spiritual life and he asked me the one question "What are you doing for Heavens Sake?" In other words, what are you doing for the Kingdom of God and not the Kingdom of Tim. Well; I said, I don't know where God is going to use me. On one hand, I think god is going to use me here and then he leads me into this direction. Then there are times where I think there is something else that is hidden that Christ will lead me there. I told Dan that I honestly don't know, but one thing for certain I do pray about it. And wherever the Lord leads me I will follow. This weekend gave me a chance to not only meet up with some good friends, but gave me a chance to reflect on my life on just how far I have come in my own spirtual journey. I hope you all had great weekend and may God bless you.