Monday, December 02, 2013

holiday films

After spending time with family and friends, stuffing myself with thanksgiving leftovers and just shopping till I drop.  There's a time where we need to take a break thank god for his mighty  blessings as well as enjoy a good holiday flick.  Here are my top 10 holiday flicks that have some theme for the holidays.

10. Die Hard.....I know it's action pack film, but it happens during Christmas time and it made Bruce Willis a star.

9. Scrooged....Bill Murray playing a modernization of this classic tale....still gets a chuckle

8. The Grinch that stole Christmas....Jim Carrey plays excellent Grinch that nobody could hardly recognize him.

7. Jingle all the way....Anytime you do a comedy about black Friday and finding the right toy with a little element of truth gets my vote.  Although Arnold and Sinbad couldn't act worth darn.

6. Miracle on 34th street....the black and white version not the newer one.

5. National lampoon's Christmas...Anytime you get Chevy chase involving Christmas lights that are overpowering your going to laugh.

4.Elf....I saw this in the movie theater when it first came out and now it's become a classic.  Not the biggest will Ferrell fan, but he does make you laugh. Also having a comedy legend like  bob Newhart doesn't hurt either

3.Planes, trains, and automobiles...probably my all time favorite comedy taking place during thanksgiving time...Steve Martin and John Candy worked so well together too bad they didn't  make another film together....So many zingers and too many too count.

2.It's a wonderful life....I think this film relates to so many people where at one time or another we have had family problems, financial problems and bosses we don't like and yet somewhere out there were trying to do right thing.

1. A Christmas story....When your movie is shown on Christmas day 24hrs your a classic. The 1940's story reminds me of Christmas's past and going to malls to see window displays that delight any 10 year old.  It never gets old

I'm sure I forgot some, but hey this my list feel free comment any other holiday films.

Tim Crippen

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The end of obamacare?

I was looking back in my march of 2010 post about the so called ACA (affordable health care act) that everything that happen was coming true.  Premiums went up either by double or triple. States sued the federal government over the mandate and lost. Now, we have people who have had their insurance cancelled because it didn't carry enough requirements of the new law. A website that is run by idiots and buffoons who can't keep identity thiefs out. Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is coming down the road. The people who are losing their insurance are self insurers when this things gets fully implemented you will see more people losing their insurance from their work place or the employee will paying more on his premiums depending on the employer. You will be seeing doctors retiring or not participating in this program.  Can you really see anything good from this? Now, the say website will be running real well by the end of this month?  Anybody, want $25 bet on that there won't be any glitches by November 30th. Folks, this thing needs to be repealed period....not that things were better before this law, but the fact that the government is trying to run this scares the hell out of me.

Tim"have a happy thanksgiving" Crippen

Sunday, October 27, 2013

End of Era?

Could this be the last time we see the fall classic?   No, I am not talking the world series I am talking about the fall classic at arrowhead between my alma mater Pittsburg State vs. Northwest Missouri State.  Both teams are in MIAA conference and have recently won division 2 national championships.  Since 2002, this contest usually is really close but last weekend could be the last time these two meet at arrowhead stadium.  Why?  Well, the conference has expanded and both are having to play on rotating basis. Hence for now temporary suspending fall classic for two years.  I was glad to go to my game along with my cousin Jeffrey.  Even tough we lost was still fun game none the less. Go gorillas and hopefully we see those nasty bearcats in the playoffs.

Tim Crippen

PS: It has been five months to the day since I wrote my last post ...I will try to do much better about writing on my post.

Monday, May 27, 2013

memorial day 2013

As we take time to enjoy this memorial day, let us not forget those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.   This past weekend was really special not only being the holiday weekend, but to see my grandparents old farm.  It was nice when mom and I went to grave site to see my dad, grandparents and my two aunts that are buried.  We placed flowers near the grave site and then we decided to go to the grandparents farm.   While driving to the farm, there is sign that said " Do you believe in life after death?  If you do keep on trespassing."   There were parts of the farm that you recognize, but there things that I definitely didn't recognize.  It was an emotional day.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Coming back from Florida I was not a happy camper.  I was hoping by this time, I would be back at work in florida.  No, instead I'm back in kansas still looking for work.   I know people might wonder what happen in florida...right now I really don't want to divulge to much information at this time. I know lately I have completely shut off my friends or I am pretending to be happy.  Some people didn't even know that I had even left kansas. Is this childish?  You make your own judgements.  I know that one particular friend has now kind of disown me.  He has unfriend me on facebook, then after he unfriends me he sends me nasty message with some choice words.   I know, I know I probably deserve it, but if he thinks I am singling him out he is totally wrong.  Just because I make a post or maybe respond to another person's post doesn't mean I am singling them out.   There have been other friends who have sent me messages and I haven't responded to them either......He has even called and text me on my cell phone wondering what I am doing florida????   WTF do you think I am doing in Florida I am trying to find work that is challenging me and hopefully can pay me decent wage that I can live on.   You don't need to call me up every week....If something new comes up I'll say it.   It's nothing personal against my friend just right now I really want to be left alone.   When I feel like I want to talk I will talk......right now the focus should be getting back to work.  Sorry, if this sounds like I am on my soapbox, but I am just not happy right now.   I know this phase in my life will eventually pass, but it seems to be taking longer than normal.....after all I have failed.

Friday, March 01, 2013

So the journey begins

If you ever saw the lord of the rings the first one of the three you know that Frodo and Sam set out for journey.   Today, I started my great adventure....if you don't know where I am going just look at Jan. 2013 post and it will explain everything.  I pack mostly basics to get by and few extras hoping to find my next job or career hopefully in Florida.   I said my goodbyes to mom and ernie in the morning and off I went.   I stop by the mall deli in pittsburg, ks and ordered a reuben sandwich haven't had one in years and this one was pretty good. It's still the popular place in town....drove down I-49 through Arkansas beautiful scenery.  I thought I would make it to Little Rock. AR instead made it to Conway just outside....and this is only day one.  Right now, I am typing this post here in Room 230 at a Motel 6 ....hey it's cheap.


PS: Happy Birthday to my nephew nate who turns three years old on Monday.

Monday, February 04, 2013


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Friday, January 18, 2013

When it's time to let go

Well today is a day that I'm either going to regret or it will be one of my best decisions ever.  Today, after five and half years, I decided to resign from my position at Silpada Designs.  It has been a great run for fact it has been the longest I have ever stayed at one company....Now, I know when people read this their going ask questions as to where I'm going....well where I'm going is to Florida...what i will be doing I have know idea, but I know God has a bigger plan for me then even I can envision.  Why Florida people might ask?  Well, let's see uh warmer weather and no state income tax are a couple of contributing factors. So, why leave if you haven't got something secured? Well, sometimes in life you have take some risk and usually I'm not much of a risk taker, but I think what I'm doing is taking a big leap of me crazy....tell me I have gonads for doing this....whatever you think it probably describes me.  So, what was the main thing that made my decision as to leaving?  Okay, I will tell you....It wasn't anything against my bosses at fact there were great people to work with...In fact, Dennis didn't even blame me one bit for leaving.  Ed was sad to see me go, but he understood my reason. The major reason for leaving was no advancement within the company.  For five and half years, I have applied for multiple positions within company and never really saw the light of day.  Last year at this time, I thought about leaving silpada then, but decided not too because I was getting to close to my five year anniversary.  The last position I applied for was multimedia production coordinator's job. Most of the qualifications for the job I had already done...what hurt me was I hadn't done much digital editing particularly the software system of "aftereffects." When, I didn't get the position....I was really down I thought what do I have to do to move a little song and dance number? I thought about it, prayed about it and was wondering where my next move was going to be.  I mean have degree in communications and I don't think this place is using my skills and talents to where it could be of good use. 

So, today as I was finishing up my last day at work, I decided to say my last goodbyes to people who I have known since the beginning, people who I have shared many stories with and even people who I barely talked too or hardly ever knew.  I thought it would take about a half turned out to be more like and hour and half.  I honestly didn't really know how beloved I was by so many people until I said my goodbyes...if this sounds like I'm getting emotional then yeah I am.  I turned my badge key as well as my janitor's keys into Ed as he and I both realized that this was it.  When I first came to this place, I didn't realize this was a seasonal job until two days after I had gotten hired. Little did I know that this was where I was going to stay.   In five and half years...I went from full filling orders to being a janitor.  I have gotten myself debt free because of this place, bought my first car with my own cash, went to trips that I only dreamed about, volunteered for fanfest, lost my grandmother and my dad all in that same period. I also went from a guy who had very little confidence to kind of knowing who I am...not that i don't have my bad moments. In conclusion, I really do have to thanked Silpada for the five and half years they gave me.  However, like all chapters in book it has come to end and it was time to let go and start up this new great adventure.