Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why I never talk about past girlfriends on this blog until now

With Valentine's day just around the corner it's time to come clean.....I looked back on some previous February posts and none of them mention love except in a tongue and cheek way (See Jane Seymour post on Feb. 2008). In fact, I never talk about my girlfriends in the past at all....why is that? Let's start with the beginning....I never had a girlfriend until my first year in college....Oh sure, I had plenty of crushes in high school, but none them really develop into serious fact in high school I never even went to prom my senior year...pathetic yeah I know. Most of my past girlfriend experiences were actually pretty good, but as you date for some reason either you or your partner seemed to fizzle out. There were others that I had missed on opportunities and some you would just like to forget. I don't mention the names because of two reasons....One out of just respect...two it's in the past and you just can't change that. Love is a two way street and it only works when both people are on the same page, but i would also say that if your relationship with Christ isn't connecting vertically then all the other parts of your life won't be functioning either.

Tim "trying to open up" Crippen