Monday, October 29, 2007

The last two weeks

I have to admit that the last two weekends have been a whirlwind for me, but here we go. Couple of weekends ago I went to my Dad's retirement party in Wichita, KS. We held the reception at the Timberline resteraunt and a very friendly person was there to greet us.

If you never been to this resteraunt.....It's mostly a steakhouse resteraunt, but the best part of the resteraunt is the loaves of bread served with honey butter. Anyway, I digress as people were gathering around dad receives a plaque

for his 33 years of service for the Veterans Administration. Of course my dad appreciate all the people who came to this event. Although, dad didn't realize this evening was going to get better
as one of his coworkers decide to roast him by writing a poem about his life with the VA by using titles of candy bars and other sugar sweets. I saw him have a great chuckle as family and friends

and yes even Polly showed up to see my dad have one of his best days of his life.

Last weekend, I went to Pittsburg, Kansas for their homecoming football game as well as the Campus Christians annual ribs for the alumni. I will admit the ribs were really good and I definitely went back for seconds. This was probably the last time we were going to have this before they tear down CC house before they make it into a parking lot...what a cryin shame .....I have too many great memories of this house. Before the game and the all you can eat ribs, we had our morning parade and our congresswoman Nancy Boyda was there and she was the Honary cannonneer for the game as she got to shoot off the cannon. I bring this up not to talk politics, but to point out that her fashion sense isn't the best. She's not a PSU alumni and when she was walking around the parade with a white PSU logo shirt (which was allright) but those red pants that she was wearing was awful looking. Then again who am I to criticize fashion ....I'm dude who sometimes wears shorts during the winter months. I didn't spend much time with my friend Dan because he was on call on lot, but the time we spent was very good in quality.

Update on Garth: I have been turned down six times, but I'm not giving up on finding a date for Garth Brooks concert.....and there is possibly that I might be able to trade the tickets for another I'm crossing my fingers.

That's been my last two weeks in a nutshell.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Searching for a date

Well the search continues for a date. Not a just any date, a particular date. Okay, let me explain.....Last week, a co-worker of mind had two extra pair of tickets to go see the one and only Garth Brooks. I'm somewhat of a fan and the tickets only cost me $50 . The fact that he is performing nine shows in a row is just unreal.....and guess what all nine shows are sold out. I guess what makes this hard is that the show I got tickets for is on Wednesday November 7th and their very good seats in the lower level. If I had tickets for Friday, Saturday or even a Sunday night show....I would have easily had a date. I usually try not to do any big events during the middle of the work week, but this could possibly be the last time Garth performs and that the fact this will be the first time I will get a chance to see the new sprint center. So, who will go with me to the man performs the song "the dance"? I will keep you updated.
Tim "the thunder rolls" Crippen

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thinking about warm weather

With all the rain that we had yesterday it got me to thinking about warm sunshine and the beach. So here's a picture of me on the beaches at Puerta Vallarta a couple of summers ago just to remind me of warmth again.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A Thank you note for God

Dear God

Thank you for being there in times of need

For allowing us to have as Americans to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

For helping me get back home in one piece when my front end brakes were not working.

For giving me the knowledge to know how to fix these things,

for being my comforter when times were lonely.

Thankful for our troops who our fighting in Iraq in Afghanistan to allow us the freedom to pray and worship in our churches.

Thank you for giving us a sense a humor even if at times we don't want to laugh.

Thank you for showing patience even if as human beings we have hard time showing it.

For giving us joy, peace and kindness in an uncruel world

For your disciples who spread the good news around the world and that it continues to spread through pastors, volunteers and missionaries.

For free will

But most importantly thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for all our sins.
