Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pay it forward and it will pay you back

I always believe that if you do good things for people without expecting something in will be forwarded to you later down the road. That was a lesson my dad taught me that I still use today. Last summer, I was coming back from band practice in church and I stop by a gas station to fill up. I saw an older woman whose tire went flat on her car and she was so frustrated. Now, I normally would ignore this and would be on my merry way, but something inside my spirit compel me to help this woman. So, I offer to help put her spare tire while taking the old one off. After getting a little dirty from the dust and the grind....I finish my job. The woman offer me money, but I told her to pay it forward to someone else. She asked me if I was a Christian and I said yes I was and I left doing my good deed for today.

Now fast forward to today.....back in September our company is a big sponsor of JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research foundation) and we raise a lot of money through raffles, silent auctions etc. Well, one of the prizes they were raffling off was a chance for three people to take three of their friends to a Kansas City Royals 2012 game along with a parking pass sitting in suite section. I put tickets in but was not one of the three to win the tickets. Well, today a co-worker who I barely know out of the blue gave me her tickets. I asked her why she gave them to me? She said that she had heard that I was Royals fan and that the person she wanted to take would complain the entire time at the game. She felt like she would give it to someone else who would thoroughly enjoy it. I thanked Jan and gave her hug....she didn't have to do it, but I was really appreciative. God works in mysterious ways whether they are great or just in small tokens. There are still good people today.

Tim "pay it forward" Crippen