Sunday, April 06, 2008

Leatherheads & Beating Roy

I will admit that when I go see a movie of a certain type of genre I hope that it lives to certain standard or gets real close. So, when I heard that Leatherheads was a screwball comedy my standard for that type of film is "O' Brother where art Thou." Well, with two oscar winners in it George Clooney and Renee Zellwegger along with the dude from "the office" John K. it gets it within the ballpark or at least the football stadium since this is a football film. It starts in the mid 1920's when college football was in it's hay days and pro football was just getting started. John K character "the bullet" is the top of his college game at Princeton University. Dodge Connelly's (Clooney) team the Duluth Bulldogs along with some of the other teams has folded up and is trying to get the bullet to play for the team. Lexie littleton (Zellwegger) is a Chicago Tribune reporter trying know the story of "the bullet" on how he is a war hero or so it seems. Both Dodge Connelly and "the bullet" our trying to buy the love affection of Lexie.

The beginning of this film is great.....I thought I was listening to music from the movie "The sting" with a lot of piano playing. This was a pretty good football film a step up from "Invincible" which I didn't think was great. With Rick Riley being one of the executive producers of the film....I knew I was going to laugh. There are some interesting cameo's in the film. Look for Randy Newman (another oscar winner) who provides the music for the film as the piano player at the bar. Along with Max Cassella who plays a Lt. in the army. for those who don't know who Max Cassella is he's the one who played Doogie Howser's friend Vinny. Out of four star rating I would give it two and half.

Now, last night I was glad I wasn't on Massachusetts Street in Lawrence, KS as the Jayhawks won to play on to the national championship against Memphis. You know win or lose tomorrrow night. This will be great season for this team, but last night beating Roy williams just made my day.....hahahahahahaha! You can hear the evil laughter from Leavenworth ....hahahahaha.....take that Roy. Enjoy the championship game everybody.

Tim "I feel like I'm on cloud nine" Crippen

PS: I was sad to hear this morning that Charlton Hesston died......we will miss you Moses.

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