Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Scientists their at it again......also a record selling card

Once again scientists are at it again, this time their diving into christianity. James Cameron, film director who directed "The terminator" and "Titanic" has a new documentary this sunday on The Discovery channel entitled "Last tomb of Christ" in which challenges basic tenants of Christianity. They say that with DNA testing that the remains of these two stone boxes will determine whether they are of Jeus Christ and of Mary Magdalene. Really??? We can't even figure out who the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby? How we are going to prove something that happen over 2,000 years ago. Haven't we gone down this controversial road with books like "The Da Vinci Code" and movies like "The Last Temptation of Christ"? Sometimes I swear that these reasearchers have nothing else better to do with their time. Now, that these scientists have made me mad again......I think I better give them a call and ask them to come Kansas City. We would all hop in my truck and head over to Union Station to show them The Dead Sea Scrolls (I still want to see this exhibit myself)......that way they'll get understanding of the truth in Christainity.

As a baseball card collector I wish I had this particular card in my collection. Yesterday, a Southern California auction sold a 1909 rare Honus Wagner Tobacco Card for 2.3 million dollars. This card is known by collectors as "The Holy Grail" of all cards. It is rare because they are only 60 available around the world. Plus, Honus wagner ask tobacco company stop using his image because he didn't want promote smoking to kids. Hmmm.......I wonder what I can get for my 1962 Mickey mantle and my 1975 George Brett Rookie Card?

Signed Tim "baseball collector " Crippen

Thursday, February 22, 2007


If we were to order Calamari rings they be the size of monster truck tires

Monday, February 19, 2007

Why it is so hard to get back into broadcasting?

This question has been bothering me for nearly three years. That's how long it's been since I left my job at KWCH-TV in Wichita, KS. At first, I thought I'll never go back to it. Yet, for some reason or another my mind kind of drifts on coming back to it anyway possible. WHY? Probably, because I still have this chip on my shoulder of wanting to direct or be a techinical director for newscast or sporting event. I did some in college, but never for a commercial station. I'll admit the way I left was not the way I plan it. I get upset seeing people who were in the same position as I was and were moving up. Now, if they had few more years it wouldn't have bother me so much ( I still be upset, but not as badly) But, when a snot nose punk kid whose only been there six months moves from working camera operator to techincal director and you've been there for three years?.....I'm wondering what's going on? At the time, I didn't express my feelings how I felt so betrayed and yet at the same time I was kind of wondering what am I'm really doing here.

I did give my two weeks notice to them and a lot of my co-workers were kind of wondering if they was anything that could change my mind and stayed.....I told them the damage was already done. If there was anything that I would have changed is that I should have expressed my feelings to the Production Manager and told him my problems instead of being so silent and acting to much like whining little kid. I know that I can't change the past, but I can certainly try to do something about my future. So, why is so hard to get back into the business? Well, there are a number of factors. One, most of the equipment that I edit was analog. Now, it has gone digital. Two, college graduates you see more of them coming out and some of them will be getting their first taste of the business. Three, the positions that you are qualified for are few and far between. Most of these positions are usually part-time. Your drive.......ask yourself this question "How bad do you want it?" Then, finally ask the Lord this one important question "Lord is this where you really want me in my life?"

I normally don't usually put myself out like this especially in my blog, but this has been on my mind for a long time and I had to get it out.

Tim "pondering many questions" Crippen

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wow what a dinner

I have to say thanks again to all the people who helped cook, clean, and pitch in on last night's Romantic Dinner for 13. I wasn't too sure how this was going to turned out but, it turned out to be a lot better than what I thought. A big thanks to Shawnee Church of the Nazarene for allowing us to borrow the kitchen for one night.

Tim "giving away prizes" Crippen

PS: If anybody has pictures of last night's event.....send them to me and I will post them on my blog.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Global warming.....what global warming?

You are probably wondering what this picture above is? Well, to tell you the truth this is Denver International Airport about two months ago when they had that blizzard. I put this as reminder that it is still winter and yet for some reason today I saw someone walking in shorts??? I know I'm guilty of it too, but at least at certain point I do put jeans on.

Today was one of those days I was listening to the radio when I heard this scientist wacko talking about global warming and how the ice caps in the North Pole are melting. He was also saying that the San Fransico airport will be flooded by 2035 or 2040.....I don't remember which year cause I nearly choked on a turkey sandwich. Look, I know we all have our opinions on this issue and before you think I'm anti-environment I'm not. Sure, I would like to use alternative fuels to save earth as well as my pocketbook. I recycle newspapers and aluminum cans. I think people do pitch in......it's just that when these scientists go off the extreme end that's when I think these people need to get challenged.

If I learned anything in science while I was in grade school is that there is a scientific method. The steps are as followed Observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, and results. Somewhere down the line these environmental pukes didn't do enough experimenting. They probably did some small experimenting procedures in the North Pole and said it's all due Global Warming. Well, how do we know that...should we just trust you at face value? I'll admit I don't know if there is a global warming problem, but I do know that the San Fransico airport is not going to flood, we have record cold temparutures in the country, we have snow that is over eight feet in upstate New York. Then if anything could be funnier is that a few months back former vice president Al Gore goes on the Oprah Show (I don't watch Oprah I just heard a radio clip) and explains what will happen if we keep this up. Then at the end of the show Oprah tells Al Gore, "thank you Al for being our Noah." Thank you for being our Noah? I know Noah was warning people about a flood, but didn't God tell Noah first. My point is simple we just need to enjoy what God has created for us and not go into a panic mode that earth is going to hell and handbasket.

Tim " I'm still upset about the Bears losing" Crippen

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sad Day in Bears land

I don't know what was worst today seeing the way the bears lost or watching that disgusting snickers commercial. Look, I'm not going to make excuses like the weather was awful or that Rex Grossman played a bad game. Face it, this team got beat by Peyton "Blockhead" Manning and the Colts end of story. Now, that Peyton won the big one can the sports media people just get off his back so I don't have to listen to it anymore. Yeah, it would have been nice to see the Bears win, but to see them get back in the Superbowl made me feel like I was ten years old again. I think I jinx the team by sitting on a Colts blue inflatible chair (the team was leading before I sat In the chair). Anyway, congratulations to Indianapolis this year on winning the superbowl....I just wish it wasn't against the Bears that's all. Oh, one more thing before I end my post tonight. The halftime show with Prince really wasn't that bad...I especially like the marching band coming onto the field with the glow in the dark sticks.

Tim "sad Bears fan" Crippen