Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sad Day in Bears land

I don't know what was worst today seeing the way the bears lost or watching that disgusting snickers commercial. Look, I'm not going to make excuses like the weather was awful or that Rex Grossman played a bad game. Face it, this team got beat by Peyton "Blockhead" Manning and the Colts end of story. Now, that Peyton won the big one can the sports media people just get off his back so I don't have to listen to it anymore. Yeah, it would have been nice to see the Bears win, but to see them get back in the Superbowl made me feel like I was ten years old again. I think I jinx the team by sitting on a Colts blue inflatible chair (the team was leading before I sat In the chair). Anyway, congratulations to Indianapolis this year on winning the superbowl....I just wish it wasn't against the Bears that's all. Oh, one more thing before I end my post tonight. The halftime show with Prince really wasn't that bad...I especially like the marching band coming onto the field with the glow in the dark sticks.

Tim "sad Bears fan" Crippen

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