Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I am eithier getting old or time is passing me by

This past weekend I happen to see a promo on ABC for the game show "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" I guess in august the show will celebrate it's 10th Anniversary in this country. Ten years? Has it been that long.....I remember when it first premiere......even Regis looks like he's getting older, but then again aren't we all. This also happens to be my 15 year high school reunion, but I haven't heard if were having one. Where does the time go? It seems like the things I remember from yesterday are coming to the historic milestones. However, this year hasn't been fact you might say it has been productive so far. I mean....I'm officially debt free. I'm finally under 250's still a long ways away, but were making progressive. I'm up for a promotion at work and hopefully this upcoming semester I hope to be taking a class in sports management. I have to say that God this year has truly blessed me and that he has much more in store for me than I can possibly even imagine. Even if I am getting older.

Tim "enjoying the moment" Crippen

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