Monday, March 26, 2007

A new J.R.R. tolkien book

After reading the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings books, then later seeing LOTR trilogy movies. I thought there wouldn't be any more books by Tolkien. Well, while I was doing some job searching on the internet .......I happpen to catch that there will be another book by J.R.R. Tolkien called "The Children of Hurin". The book was finished by his son Christopher and there is big hush hush as to what the details of the story is. Tolkien hasn't written a book since "The Silmarillion" in 1977 after his death which was also finished by his son. You can talk about the New Harry Potter book all you want, but for me when the new tolkien book comes out April 17, I will probably be in my own little geek world.

Tim "Gimley" Crippen

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Where's my thrill?

Whenever I get in one of those down moods or just don't feel like myself, I pop in a CD of my favorite artist right now. Robert Randolph and the Family Band and their album "Colorblind". If you haven't heard their music it's a mixture of soul, R and B, and little bit of party all wrapped into one. I'm hoping they come to K.C., but so far on their tour schedule the closest they will be is in Chicago. Anyway, there is a song on the album called "Thrill of it" which has and awesome bass sound in the background. I happen to be listening to it this past weekend and somewhere in the song, the lyrics kind of struck a chord with me. The lyrics went like this "It might hurt just a little bit, while I'm trying to figure this out. I'm on this ride for the "thrill of it" living a dream that's what life is all about." Those words sound so opposite of BB King song "the thrill is gone" but of course BB king sings the blues. The reason I write those lyrics is that I'm hoping that there is more to life than just living a dream. I do agree that when you figuring out what you want your dream to be that it is going to be a struggle and sometimes it's going to be painful. These past couple of months, I feel like at times there is a struggle between me and Jesus (And I know that I will never win this battle) I know that he has something out there for me and I don't see the big picture and then I keep saying "where my thrill?" where did I go wrong? or why am I not back into broadcsting? I try to take it day by day but at the times I kind of wondering is this dream really worth pursuing. Anyway, I just need your thoughts and prayers to think of me as to what I'm suppose do and where God is really leading me.

Update: I have ordered the purple complaint free bracelets and they should be in sometime within the next two or three weeks. I did get an email from Rev. who started this and his idea will be shown on Oprah this Tuesday.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Inheriting a new sister in law

Some of you might know that I'm soon going to be inheriting a new sister in law. My brother proposed and she said yes. So, tonight I will reveal a picture of brother and future sister in law Her name is Crystal Enjoy

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Let the Madness begin

In March there are three things that always happen. St. Patrick's Day, spring officially begins and March Madness turns adults into crazy lunatics. The field of 65 is set and experts and wanna-be's want to prove that they know college basketball better than anybody else. But how do you pick your brackets??? I've seen differrent ways of how people pick from who has the better mascot to who has the better student body. I remember one year a science geek picked his brackets by figuring who has the best science deparment. Go figure!!! I have looked at my brackets and have picked my Final Four This Year : Kansas, Florida, Texas, and Memphis. My upset pick in the tournament: Oral Roberts to beat Washington St. This year's George mason: Winthrop. So, good luck on your picks and remember any team can beat any team on a given day.
Tim "K-State should be in the tournament" Crippen

Thursday, March 08, 2007

THE no complaint bracelet and the sweet sound of "Amazing Grace"!!

If you don't like something, Change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. Words spoken by the famous poet Maya Angelou. I write this in my blog to tell you about the lastest craze going on......that is starting to get national attention. We all have heard of the W.W.J.D. bracelets as well as Livestrong braceletes. Well now I want to introduce to you the "complaint free bracelets" in the color of purple.

This all started by Christ Church Unity of Kansas City, MO by the Rev. Will Bowen

He said churchgoers were griping mainly about trivial things, such as the choice of hymns at the Sunday service or the informal dress code at the church’s Saturday night worship.
And so he asked his flock to take a pledge: to swear off complaining, criticizing, gossiping or using sarcasm for 21 days. The Rev. Bowen said the inspiration for the no-complaints campaign came to him while taking a shower. And now, the idea has begun to spread far beyond middle America.
People who join in are issued little purple bracelets as a reminder of their pledge. If they catch themselves complaining, they’re supposed to take off the bracelet, switch it to the opposite wrist and start counting the days from scratch.

Here are the suggested rules:

1. Begin to wear the bracelet, on either wrist

2. When you catch yourself complaining, gossiping or criticizing (it’s ok, everyone does) move the bracelet to the other arm and begin again.

3. If you hear someone else who is wearing a bracelet complain, you may point out their need to switch the bracelet to the other arm; BUT if you’re going to do this, you must move your bracelet first!

4. Stay with it. It may take many months but when you reach 21 days you will find that your entire life is happier, more loving, more positive and more abundant.

Well, I think we should add one more of God's Commandments "Thou shall not whine". If it works for some people great! I be willing to try it, but I would need someone accountable for find the free bracelets go to

Now, Amazing of the best films I've seen so far this year. It takes place in the 18th century england as William Wilberforce maneuvers his way through Parliament endeavoring to end slavery in the empire. All the actors and actress did very good jobs, but the one that stole the show was Albert Finney who is best known for playing Ebenezer Scrooge or the Older Ed Bloom in "Big Fish" . Plays the preacher John Newton who wrote the song Amazing Grace. The ending, without giving it away, was also one of the best too.....watching it reminded me of my grandmother. If you get a chance to see it.....I highly recommend it.


Tim " I'm really tired right now" Crippen