Sunday, March 11, 2007

Let the Madness begin

In March there are three things that always happen. St. Patrick's Day, spring officially begins and March Madness turns adults into crazy lunatics. The field of 65 is set and experts and wanna-be's want to prove that they know college basketball better than anybody else. But how do you pick your brackets??? I've seen differrent ways of how people pick from who has the better mascot to who has the better student body. I remember one year a science geek picked his brackets by figuring who has the best science deparment. Go figure!!! I have looked at my brackets and have picked my Final Four This Year : Kansas, Florida, Texas, and Memphis. My upset pick in the tournament: Oral Roberts to beat Washington St. This year's George mason: Winthrop. So, good luck on your picks and remember any team can beat any team on a given day.
Tim "K-State should be in the tournament" Crippen

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