Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm Debt FREE!!!!! FREEEEDOM!!!!

Twenty months ago, I took the course that many people have taken at least once in your life. The Financial Peace University hosted by Dave Ramsey. Now, while I was still in Wichita I had heard of him, but really didn't know much about him. After completing his course.......I started to realize why he is such a popular guy. For years.......I was spending money I really didn't have.....whether it was going to trips to New york City or Peurta Vallarta. Then eating out at the most fancy restaurant's in Wichita (and yes there are some fancy ones out there). It seem like everytime I got a paycheck ......I needed to spend it. Before you know it I was like Gomer Pyle saying "Shazam, where did it all go." No more.......yesterday I made my last payment to my credit card.......and now I'm officially debt free. I would have finished this last year, but I needed the car because my truck was getting old and beat up. How does it feel to be debt free? I don't think it will hit me until next month when I don't have to write a check to these snakes. I did celebrate this milestone......Yesterday at work it just happen to be employee appreciation day. I decided to pin a sign on the front of my shirt so that people can read it. It says " Today, I am debt free." Mostly, I got a lot of congratulations others seemed to be jealous and few people thought I might have been weird. Hey, if being debt free makes me weird so be it.

Tim "feeling really good" Crippen

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