Monday, January 01, 2007

Predictions for 2007 and the chiefs

Okay let me get K.C. chiefs thing out the way so I can get to my predictions for 2007. Going into New Years Eve if you were to tell me the Chiefs would make the playoffs on the last regular season game....I would have said "your crazy"!!! The odds of them making the playoffs are like me going out on date with a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Yet, beyond belief they pulled it out and three other teams lost to sneak into playoffs.....if they get into the Superbowl this year....I will personally hang upside down a tree and eat bananna, post a picture on my blog to show proof that I did it.

Predictions for 2007:
"You'll probably we'll here the words "molecular nanotechnology" used more often in the science community in building products that are cleaner, lighter, stronger and more precise.

The US millitary finally gets Osama Bin Laden

I will win the Publisher Clearing House Sweepstakes (hey, a guy a can dream can't he)

The Kansas City Royals will not lose 100 games this year

I will be eithier working on a play or being a part of a play...I'm leaning toward the latter

The Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team will relocate to Kansas City.

President Bush will use a new phrase "fashizzle my dizzle".

Online dating will start going out of style and being set up by your friends will be back in trend

Another Big time CEO of a major company will get himself into trouble for cooking the books.

And finally Airlines will be losing more luggage this year than last other words your luggage will have a better time in Hawaii then you will.

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