Friday, May 11, 2007

A boy named Johnnie

There was boy name Johnnie who when you look at him he looks like any other normal 18 year old kid. He doesn't say much, but when you get to talking to him he's very open. At six years old, Johnnie's father left his family. Then at age twelve Johnnie's mom goes to prison for drugs. He moves into a foster home and his life doesn't seem to get better. He gets into trouble with the law as well as school for eithier fighting, stealing or causing disruptions in class. He transfers into another foster home and he wonders if his life is ever going to change. His new foster mother knew that Johnnie needed to change so when she said "Were going to church!"
Johnnie thought I have heard of church, but during his entire life with his family or his first foster parents never took him to church ever. It was this foster mother who had believed in Johnnie that he needed Christ in his life. Since that moment, Johnnie has been attending church on a regular basis, he got his G.E.D. last July, he will be going to community college this fall to study music and he hopes one day he will become a music teacher. Then this past month he has also reuntied with mother since she got out prison both of them realizing they made mistakes. How do I know this Johnnie? Well to protect the innocent I won't use his last name but Johnnie was working with me at concession stands at Kaufman Stadium yesterday and he wanted me to share this story with you about perservance and struggle.

Tim "way to go johnnie" Crippen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a great story Tim!
Thanks for telling it to us!
