Sunday, December 02, 2007

You never stop learning

The last couple of sundays at church have been very interesting for me. About a couple a months ago, the lord kind of laid on my heart to do something in the church. Instead of just a person who goes to church and sunday school and then gives his tithe to the lord. There was this emptyness that felt like I wasn't helping out. Then one Sunday, a man name Billy; who was in my financial peace university class, introduce me to Lon and the tech crew at the church. These past two Sundays I've have been trying to learn the powerpoint sytem as well as the audio board there at the church. It has been over three and half years since I have done any technical work with a computer or an audio board. Even at my age, the audio board is so multiple layered that it's like I got to learn a whole new system over again. I have two reasons for wanting to learn both systems. One, is to improve on my technical skills and start learning a new system in the digital age instead of being intimidated by it. Two, I always wanted to help out in the church in some way, but just eithier didn't seem to care or just didn't know where I could fit in. Even in God's perfect plan you never stop learning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really cool, Tim. I'm glad you're getting more involved.