Saturday, July 28, 2007

Last Day at The K

The first thing I did as I came to the ballpark I was looking for the George Brett statue. Why? I don't know maybe because I have never have taken a picture of it. Or maybe because I watch
him played through all the years and he still is my favorite player. To me working for the Royals (even if it was working in the concession stand) was a great and unique experience. Working with Carmen and Lisa at 013 was great even if we had our bad days. We all try to get a least one laugh during the game. I was really surprise for my last day there that Lisa and Carmen bought me a cake.
It says "Good Bye Tim See you soon" . I honestly wasn't expecting a cake. I was thinking I was going to work my last day say my good byes and say thanks for the memories, but I would like to say thanks to Lisa and Carmen for the cake. I would also like to say thanks to Michael and Jose for keeping me laughing this entire season. Michael I hope you get that job with the IRS soon.
If my new job ever goes through changes where there isn't a schedule conflict. Maybe, I might be back for next season. In a way, I would like to comeback now because there is still two more months of baseball still left. Even at age 31 I still like this game and it will always be a great memory that I got to work for the Kansas City Royals.
And just like Opening Day the Royals on my last day came up with a victory against the evil empire New York Yankees 7-0.
Tim "please don't lose another 100 games this year" Crippen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a great game! I even got to stand on the field because I was with the American Heart Association. I thought about looking for you but did not know if you were still there or not. The game was ok but the out come was great and there was free hats for Girls so it was even better. I am glad that you had some much fun and made some good friends there. Friends that would even give you a cake!

See you later